Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Health Experiment

Thank you for visiting and I hope you will join me in this experiment in wellness. This will be a four day experiment that will cost nothing. If I could figure out some way of making money at this I would, however, there is no money to be made.

First a little background. I'm 63, retired, married 43 years (same woman) spent career in manufacturing management and I have always been blessed with good health.

I did have high cholesterol six months ago, 270, which I lowered to 200 by walking 8 minutes twice a day and replacing milk with soy. The cholesterol problem has nothing to do with this experiment (I don't think) but I wanted full disclosure of my health problems. BTW my soy drink is 8th Continent Light. I mix Light Vanilla and Light Chocolate and it makes the best drink I have ever had. It may be that I also ate a little less red meat but I don't remember.

Before I started my personal 4 day experiment I had the following health problems.

Rosacea - on a scale of 1-10, I would say mine was a 4.
Arthritis in right hand - I could look at my hand and it would start to hurt but the pain went away with an aspirin.
Stiffness after sitting
Skin tags around neck - 5
New mole in my armpit - very annoying and doesn't look good, not cosmetically, health wise
Left arm pain - couldn't shake a shave cream can, it hurt to do that movement.
Memory loss - Sometimes I really have to concentrate to come up with the word or fact that I need.

Now to be honest, not any of these issues is of great importance. The biggest issue was probably the rosacea. Everyone I would see would ask where I got the sun burn or the windburn depending on what the weather was the day before. I expect the memory loss to keep getting worse but right now it's just something I chalk up to being 63.

After my 4 day experiment here is what happened to me.
Rosacea - GONE
Arthritis - GONE
Skin tags - Smaller in size
Mole - Appearance changed but still there
Left arm pain - not completely gone but I can use that arm to shake shaving cream every morning now.
Memory loss - no better, no worse.

What I would like you to do is list your ailments as I have in the comments section and then after every ones ailments are listed I will explain the program and then after 4 days I would like you to revisit with your results.

Remember there is no cost and unfortunately no money to be made.


Anonymous said...

Not clear what you want. But you said list your ailments.

Slightly high Cholesterol
Shortness of breath
10 pounds over weight

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I am willing to give this a try. Can't see where it would hurt.

I'm 65, married 45 years to same man.

I've always been healthy and by that I mean I'm never sick.

Two years ago I discovered why I've had nosebleeds all my life. A disease called HHT and sometimes, Rosacea is a sort of side effect of this.

I don't take supplements of any kind (hate pills) but do take an antacid everyday for about four years now I guess.

I have minimal aches and pains, maybe ten pounds over-weight and some breathlessness and coughing. I'm thinking it's due to GERD or indigestion. I'm willing to give the peroxide a try. Will let you know.

Maureen and Ken Young said...

To videodave - your shortness of breath comment took me aback. I too, after smoking for 25 years and giving it up 15 yrs ago have shortness of breath. I tell people I wear myself out taking a shower. However, Thanksgiving I threw a football with my grandson and my arm gave out before my breath did. I'm not where I need to be but my breathing is much better. I don't think I would have realized that if you hadn't mentioned it.

Wendy said...

Hi, I dont feel too comfortable ingesting the stuff, but I have been using it night and morning on my face for rosacea for about 2 weeks now. Improvement comes quickly, just as it gets worse if I dont use for a couple days. I have stopped using the retin-A, of course still using my sunblock. Without a doubt there is improvement from the hydrogen peroxide, not completely gone, but under control I'd say. Does anyone know if there are any side effects from long term use to the face? Thanks.